Penghasilan MODEL arca awam bagi soalan Seni Visual STPM Projek Penghasilan Karya haruslah ditekankan kepada perkataan MODEL itu sendiri. Ini bermakna, pelajar bukan menghasilkan arca yang memerlukan ciri-ciri seperti tahan lama, kukuh dan keindahan bahan arca. Bila menghasilkan model, bermakna anda boleh guna bahan yang lebih mudah dibentuk, ringan tetapi kemasan akhir diwarnakan seolah-olah anda menggunakan bahan untuk arca.
Sebagai contoh :
1. Gunakan span bunga.
2. Ukir mengikut bentuk yang dikehendaki
3. Sapukan gam PVA dan lekatkan dengan kertas suratkhabar yang telah DICARIK sedikit demi sedikit menutupi keseluruhan span (sama seperti proses anda hasilkan piring kertas). Proses hendaklah dilakukan sekurang-kurang dua lapisan atau lebih untuk dapatkan effect yang keras dan kukuh.
4. Setelah kering, sapukan dengan wall filler atau putty filler (dapatkan di kedai hardware), keringkan dan gosok dengan kertas pasir hingga licin.
5. Sapukan dengan warna putih (atau emulsion/undercoat) sebagai lapisan warna dan gosok hingga licin.
6. Warnakan mengikut idea anda untuk bahan Arca Sebenar . Jika idea arca sebenar anda kononnya daripada stainless steel, gunalah spray cat warna tersebut.
7. Span hanya sesuai diguna jika arca anda dalam bentuk yang besar. Jika dalm bentuk bergarisan, atau tiang, gunakan dawai dan ulang semula proses 3 dan seterusnya.
8. Anda boleh juga gunakan barang-barang terpakai yang telah ada bentuk-bentuk yang dikehendaki, digabungkan dengan cara gam dll, kemudiannya tutup dengan kertas surat khabar atau tisu yang telah diCARIK kecil-kecil; seterusnya ulang step 4.
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Title | Wahdah | |
Year | 1997 | |
Medium | Stainless Steel,Granite & Polyester Resin | |
Collection | Collection of The Prime Minister's Office.DBKL, Kuala Lumpur |
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Title | Celebration of Sarawak | |
Year | 1994 | |
Medium | Copper,Brass,Mild Steel & Marble | |
Collection | Property of SEDC,Kuching Waterfront,Sarawak,Malaysia | |
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| Celebration of Sarawak 1994
A sculpture emphasizing the dynamistic and the stability of Sarawak and the piece itself as a symbol for Sarawakian to celebrate. The "roof" of the sculpture symbolizes progressive society using motif of warrior house and also depict shelter of the Sarawakian people thriving in finding prosperity. | |
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Title | Strength | |
Year | 1999 | |
Medium | Galvanised Iron | |
Location | Toyomura Organizing Committee,Japan | |
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| Strength 1999
The sculpture revolves around the issue of strength and unity. The form of the sculpture which is compact but seems vulnerable resemble the horn of a buffalo. The keris-like shape of the main body of the sculpture depicts the strong yet gentle concept of Asian community. The idea of using structural construction yet aesthetically acceptable sculpture is to generate further understandings between human and technology. | |
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Title | Growth | |
Year | 1995 | |
Medium | Brass,Steel & Marble Rock | |
Collection | Fumio Asakura Museum,Oita,Japan | |
Remarks | Grand Prize 2nd Oita Sculpture Competition | |
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| Growth 1995
"Growth" is about the process of learning, a metaphor for possibilities. To me, death defines life, despair defines hope and dream defines reality. This sculpture design is about natural heritage and the Asian culture. The idea is derived from a plant where questions of growth being lambasted upon the plant on why they grow and how they grow. After much pondering, the form materialized. Each curved bronze sheet structure that has various character of strips on the surfaces represents the local patterns of the east. Various stripes suggest the unity of varying growth in the culture, race, language and religion of Asian countries. | |
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Title | Form and Soul | |
Year | 1997 | |
Medium | Stainless Steel | |
Collection | Sheraton Perdana Hotel,
Langkawi | |
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Form and Soul 1997
Collection of Sheraton Perdana Hotel,
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